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Chulent & Hamin: The Stew with a Thousand Flavors


Wherever Jews have spread throughout our complex and storied history, we’ve carried a simple Shabbat stew with us, adapting it to the local ingredients and tastes. A culinary history of this most Jewish of dishes that will whet your appetite, but not sit heavily in your stomach.


My Cup Runneth Over: Jews and Their Drinking Habit

Central Square Minyan Central Square, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London

Common wisdom states that Jews don’t drink. But while it may not be the Jewish vice of choice, all evidence indicates the common wisdom to be wrong. From Biblical times, through ninth century Iraq and 18th century Poland, into the modern State of Israel, join Joel for a stumble through the intimate and at times […]


They Tried to Kill Us, We Won, Let’s Eat! Jewish Food Conquers Antisemitism

Hilton Birmingham Metropole National Exhibition Centre, Pendigo Way, Marston Green, Birmingham

Jews have been oppressed throughout history. But every pot has a silver lining. Let’s look at the lighter side of darkness. How have Jews turned challenges into opportunities, and what delicious foods did we draw directly from the crucible of antisemitism? You must register for Limmud, via the link, to attend.
